Experimented users


Use only following instructions if you know what you are doing... "The management is not responsable for any case of [...]" :D

Adapt to your graphical chart

If you are comfortable with CSS stylesheets, you can adapt Galette CSS to fit your own colors. To achieve that, it is strongly discouraged to edit Galette CSS files, but rather the specific mecanism desinged for that. Create a galette_local.css file in your webroot/themes/default directory with your styles, it will be automatically included.

Try to keep things as simple as possible. For example, if you want to change association name color (displayed under pages titles), you will find in Galette the CSS rule #asso_name that defines several parameters including the color. Then, in your stylesheet, you will just need the following:

#asso_name {
    color: red;

This will be enough to display your association name in red. Note that local CSS file and all issues it may cause will not be took into account by the Galette team, no support will be provided.

You also can override the print stylesheet, just create a galette_local_print.css file.

Add and change strings

It is possible if needed to customize translated strings in Galette - without editing any Galette source file. Just create a galette_{mylang}_local_lang.php file (where {mylang} must be replaced with the language, like fr_FR.utf8 or en_US) in the lang directory. This file must contains a simple PHP array with the original string (the one in Galette source code) as index.

As example, we want to change the "Password" string on the login page in french, translated as Mot de passe :. The original string is Password: (see galette/templates/default/index.tpl), its french translation is Mot de passe : and we want to replace it with Secret :; so we will create the galette_fr_FR.utf8_local_lang.php with the following contents:

$lang['Password:'] = 'Secret&nbsp;:';
return $lang;

Since Galette uses a cache system for translations, changes may not be visible immediately; you may have to restart PHP (or to clear cache). It is important to take the original string verbatim, punctuation included; and take care to escape single quotes (with a backslash) in all the strings.

You also can override langs for plugins using the sam method, just place the file in plugins lang directory and name it {plugin}_{mylang}_local_lang.php where {plugin} is the routing name you can find in the _define.php file.


This will work only if you use Galette translation features, and not with native gettext.

Change session lifetime

Per default, Galette will create session with default lifetime duration (and it seems browsers acts differently in this case). You can anyways define a constant named GALETTE_TIMEOUT to change session lifetime using behavior configuration:

//see https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php#ini.session.cookie-lifetime
define('GALETTE_TIMEOUT', 0);

Log IP addresses behind a proxy

If your Galette instance is behind a proxy, IP address stored in history will be the proxy one, and not the user one :(

To fix that, use behavior configuration to create a constant named GALETTE_X_FORWARDED_FOR_INDEX like:


Each proxy server will add its own address on the list, example above will work only if there is only one proxy server.


For security reasons, do not use this if your instance is not behind a proxy!

External stats

New in version 0.9.

Many statistics plaftforms relies on an extra Javascript block to work. You can create a tracking.js file under webroot/themes/default directory, it will be automatically included.


Galette uses Javascript to work. If the code you add in the tracking.js file is incorrect, this may break Galette!

Cards size and count

New in version 0.9.

Galette preferences allows to specify spacing for cards, but not their with, nor the number of lines and columns. You can use behavior configuration to configure cards, following constants are provided:


Changing those values may cause gaps; change them with caution, and do not forget to test the result ;)

  • GALETTE_CARD_WIDTH defines cards width,
  • GALETTE_CARD_HEIGHT defines cards height,
  • GALETTE_CARD_COLS defines the number of columns,
  • GALETTE_CARD_ROWS defines the number of lines.

CSV exports

Galette provides a parameted CSV exports system. Only one parameted export is provided, but you can add your own to the config/exports.xml file. Its configuration is done with several parts:

  • the SQL query to use,
  • the columns to export,
  • the CSV separator,
  • the strings separator character.


Configuration of CSV exports is done in a XML file, that must be vaild!

If it is not, no export will be proposed from the user interface. Under linux, you can use tools like xmlwf or xmllint to ensure your file is valid.

Let's examine contributions parameted export:

<export id="cotisations" name="Cotisations" description="Export de l'état des cotisations pour l'ensemble des adhérents" filename="galette_cotisations.csv">
    <!-- The Query to execute - mandatory -->
    <query>SELECT nom_adh, prenom_adh, ville_adh, montant_cotis, date_debut_cotis, date_fin_cotis FROM galette_cotisations INNER JOIN galette_adherents ON (galette_cotisations.id_adh=galette_adherents.id_adh)</query>
    <!-- CSV Headers - optionnal.
         If not set, fields name will be exported.
         If set to none (eg. <headers><none/></headers>, no headers will be outpoutted.
         You can alternatively use named columns in you query instead of header tags.
        <header>Begin date</header>
        <header>End date</header>
    <!-- CSV separator to use - optionnal.
         If this tag is not present, it will defaults to ',' (see Csv::DEFAULT_SEPARATOR from classes/csv.class.php)
         Accepted values are also defined in Csv class.
    <!-- How to quote values - optionnal.
         If this tag is not present, it will defaults to '"' (see Csv::DEFAULT_QUOTE from classes/csv.class.php)
         Accepted values are also defined in Csv class.

Each parameted export is defined inside a tag named export, which contains a unique identifier (id), a description displayed in the user interface (name) and output filename (filename). The query tag contains the SQL query to execute, there is no other limitation than the SQL engine ones.

The headers part defines columns that will be exported, the separator tag the CSV separator and the quote tag the strings separator.

الأدوات الإدارية


All the admin tools operation are destructive, use it with cautions, and make sure you did a database backup before!

There are a few tools provided for Galette admin that permits to:

  • reinitialize mailings contents will reset all emails contents to default values,
  • reinitialize fields configuration will reset all members core fields to their default value. This does not imply dynamic fields,
  • reinitialize PDF models will reset ll PDF models to default values,
  • generate empty logins and passwords those informations are required to improve security, but sometimes missing (if you import a CSV for example). This feature will set random values as login and password fields that would be empty in database.