Lente de objetos

Este complemento proporciona:

  • objects management (description, size, length, price, …)

  • groups objects by categories,

  • manage object state, and their presence in stock or not,

  • manage lending and/or renting objects,

  • contribution generation,


Antes que todo, descargue el complemento:

Get latest ObjectsLend plugin! Get ObjectsLend plugin nightly build!

Extraiga el paquete descargado en Galette en el directorio «plugin». Por ejemplo, bajo linux (sustituyendo {url} y {version} con los valores correctos):

$ cd /var/www/html/galette/plugins
$ wget {url}
$ tar xjvf galette-plugin-objectslend-{version}.tar.gz

Inicialización de base de datos

Para que funcione, este complemento requiere varias tablas en la base de datos. Vea :ref: Galette plugin management interface <plugins_management>.

And this is finished; ObjectsLend plugin is installed :)

Modo de empleo del complemento

Once plugin has been installed, a Object lend group is added to Galette menu.

Defaults status are provided at installation, but they can not fit your needs, you can of course define your own.


Define status, create categories and objects; users can lend objects with a reason, then give them back with location.

A lend history is provided for administrators and staff members from object page.


Several preferences allows to change plugin behavior.

../_images/plugin_preferences.png ../_images/images_preferences.png ../_images/display_preferences.png

From this screen, you can define if members can lend objects or not, if it should create a new contribution (and its type and description), if image should be displayed in objects list, and thumbnails size.

Nuevo en la versión 0.5.

It is possible to activate the fullsize photo display.


Photos sent with previous plugin version were always resized, only the thumbnail was stored. If you want to get fullsize display, you will have to send photos again.