
Questo componente aggiuntivo fornisce:

  • possibility to store geogaphical coordinates for members (latitude and longitude),

  • a public map displaying up to date members that have choosen to be publically visible.


Prima di tutto, scarica il componente:

Get latest Maps plugin! Get Maps plugin nightly build!

Estrai l’archivio scaricato nella cartella plugins di Galette. Per esempio, in linux (sostituendo {url} e {version} con i rispettivi valori):

$ cd /var/www/html/galette/plugins
$ wget {url}
$ tar xjvf galette-plugin-maps-{version}.tar.gz

Inizializzazione del database

Per poter funzionare, questo componente aggiuntivo richiede diverse nuove tabelle nel database. Vedi Interfaccia di gestione dei componenti aggiuntivi di Galette.

And this is finished; Maps plugin is installed :)

Utilizzo del componente aggiuntivo

When the plugin is installed, a group Maps is added to Galette menu when a member is logged in, which contains My location entry. This page allow member to store its location.

A Geolocalize button is also added when displaying a member, that allows administrators to set member coordinates.

Also, a Map entry is added in public pages list, that displays geolocalized members that are up to date. Administrators and staff members will see all members, while simple members and visitors will only see up to date public ones.

First of all, members will enter their location coordinates. Several options are provided:

  • if town has been set in member informations, a list of possible places will be proposed (via Nominatim online service),

  • additionnaly, a search zone (provided from OpenStreetMap),

  • and also a geolocalize button using browser capacities.

The search zone can be used when saving members location, and when displaying the maps.


A member can define its location (with the precision he wants) on the map selecting one of the propositions:


Using the geolocalization button will define its position from the browser:


Then, member location is displayed on map, and can be removed:
